Report an Absence
If a student is unable to attend school, please call to leave a message on the CSC absence line on (03) 5479-1150</a state the students’ name and the reason for the absence.
In the event students are absent from class without CSC being notified, CSC notifies parents or carers via SMS. This notification occurs twice per day by 10.30am and 2.30pm. If you receive a notification, please contact CSC on 5479 1111 as soon as possible.
Maintaining a high attendance rate correlates very closely to students achieving their potential, therefore students are expected to attend CSC every day.
Late arrivals and early departures
If your child is late to school or needs to leave early they are required sign-in or sign-out in the Attendance Book at Reception. This will ensure that we can account for your child at all times.
Senior students
Senior students who have study periods should use the library, senior study area or learning spaces within their learning precinct. Supervising staff will account for their presence or absence.
Family holidays
If you plan to take a family holiday please email your child’s Mentor teacher with the absence dates. They will pass the information on to other relevant teaching staff which allows them to provide appropriate work or modifications to student assessment.