CSC provides a broad range of curriculum options including a Year 7-10 program based on the Victorian Curriculum, a Years 9 and 10 Steiner program, a high support Flexible Learning Options program for a small group of Years 9 and 10 students and a wide selection of VCE, VCAL and VET subjects for senior students. From Year 9, students are able to start choosing from a broad range of electives, and Year 10 students are able to study a VCE subject, thus making an early start on their VCE studies.
The CSC curriculum allows students to take various pathways into further study and employment. Every year we have many students who achieve strongly in the VCE and earn high tertiary entrance rankings, which allows our students to access various university courses throughout Australia. CSC students also take pathways into direct employment, including apprenticeships, and TAFE courses upon completing their studies at CSC.
Reporting to Parents and Carers
Parents and carers are kept up to date with their children’s academic progress though online reports which are updated every 4-6 weeks. These reports can be accessed by parents and carers through our XUNO information portal, which all CSC families are provided access to soon after enrolment.
The precinct model provides more contact time with subjects relevant to the student’s precinct choice as well as opportunities for other subjects to be enhanced by those interests.
CSC has a focus on training teachers on differentiation – changing teaching and learning to suit students’ interests, abilities and learning needs – as a core part of our regular teaching practice.
Individual Learning Plans
For students who need more support or more of a challenge, we develop individual learning plans. Involving students, parents, subject and mentor teachers and other support staff, we identify specific learning needs and strategies to address these needs. Strategies include in-class interventions, flexible learning options and extension programs.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Digital Learning/eLearning
We maintain our focus on new and emerging technologies (such as 3D printing) in order to engage students and maximise learning opportunities.
Blended Learning
Blended learning is learning through a combination of digital and real-world activities focusing on the strengths of ICT for communication and information processing. This method enhances students’ understanding about the world around them. The ‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) Program is designed to support blended learning within CSC.
CSC continues to extend the development of online curriculum through the CSC Moodle site. Moodle provides pages for each subject where students and parents can see what work is coming up and catch up on what they may have missed. Students can also submit work online through Moodle.