CSC works closely with the primary schools in Mount Alexander Shire to provide Grade 5 and Grade 6 students with multiple opportunities to experience the atmosphere and learning opportunities that CSC provides. The Transitions team has collaboratively developed a number of tools that allow us to capture critical information about new students, which we use to form cohesive and challenging mixed class groups at Year 7. We also use this information to help our staff rapidly get to know each student as an individual, and target additional supports for those students who need them.
The Transition program includes visits by the CSC Transitions Coordinator to primary schools to talk to students about the program and to answer any questions the students have (see the link to the FAQs page below). Families are invited to attend Open Morning in early May with their children to see CSC in action. Students attend two experience/orientation days at CSC, and families are invited to attend an information evening. For students requiring more assistance, we offer Making the Leap days. All enrolment documentation will be distributed to families through the Transition Program.
For more information, please contact Kate Young, Transitions Coordinator on 5479 1111.
Click here to read frequently asked questions by Grade 6 students.