The following options are available for the payment of essential education items, electives, camps and excursions, optional items such as additional music tuition and voluntary contributions or donations:
- Cash or Cheque
Please make cheques payable to Castlemaine Secondary College
- BPay
Biller Code: 87361
BPAY Reference: Please refer to your individual family statement for your reference number
- Direct EFT
BSB 313 140 Account Number 12 028 220
Reference: Please refer to your individual family statement for your reference number
- Credit Card
Visa or Mastercard
For parent contributions payment sheets below:
Financial Assistance
Castlemaine Secondary College is able to assist families in managing school payments by:
- Working with families to arrange a payment plan, or
- Assisting eligible families to access funds through the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund. (Please note an application to access these funds must be made prior to the payment due date.)
To discuss payment plans or book an appointment, please contact Family Finance Manager Karen Burton on 5479 1111 or email: