POLICY – Public Transport Victoria Conditions of Travel
To ensure safe travel on buses, students must agree to the following:
- not to play on the road at the bus stop or try to get on the bus before it has stopped
- make sure you and your belongings are inside the bus at all times
- not throw anything from a bus window or have anything hanging out a window
- place bags and other belongings in the allocated storage areas
- get on and off the bus quietly and in an orderly manner
- stay in your seat while the bus is moving
- not distract drivers with screaming, shouting or unruly behaviour
- when you get off the bus only cross the road when the bus has left and it is safe to do so
- no dangerous or flammable goods are allowed on the bus, for example aerosol cans
- travel on the bus service allocated to you, to and from your approved bus stop only. Do not change to one that will take you to a sports or social event
- wear a seat belt where fitted
To ensure students are considerate to one another and their bus driver, they must agree to:
- in the morning, arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to departure
- not eat, drink or smoke while on the bus
- in the morning, let CSC and the driver know if you will not be travelling home on the bus that day
- use a standard conversational tone and do not call out to others on board or to passing traffic or people
- listen to the bus driver or bus captain, they are responsible for maintaining bus safety and also have the authority to report any misbehaviour or vandalism
- leave your bike in a safe and secure place if riding to the bus stop. Public Transport Victoria & the DET are unable to accept responsibility for the safety of your bike
Behaving inappropriately on a bus places the safety and wellbeing of all on board at risk. Non-compliance with any of the above conditions may result in the following:
- the driver will stop the bus
- the offender’s name and full details of the breach will be recorded
- the offender will be transported to CSC or to their normal drop off
- the breach will be reported to the coordinating Principal
- the coordinating Principal will take disciplinary measures in accordance with the guidelines below
- in rare and exceptional circumstances, and only as a last resort, drivers are authorised to eject passengers from a bus
Following the report of a relevant incident, the Principal may take the disciplinary action below:
- first offence – verbal warning to student
- second offence – written warning to parent/guardian
- third offence – one week suspension of student from bus travel
- fourth offence – the student will not be allowed to travel on the bus for the remainder of the year.
A serious offence that endangers other students, bus staff or property will result in immediate suspension.